
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Leadership at all levels

This blog is an open forum on leadership. Since everyone has a different definition of leadership, this blog will discuss leadership at all levels. We often think of leadership as a top down phenomenon that originates at the highest levels of the organization when in fact, leadership within an organization manifests itself on all levels, or at least it should.

Leadership could be the customer service representative taking that extra step to get a problem resolved. I spent many years in the customer service field and made it my duty to resolve the difficult issues that should have been referred to a manager. This was my way of learning the process and understanding the resources available within the organization. Ultimately, it was a good learning experience and provided me with an organizational savvy that gave me leverage to apply for and obtain a higher position with in the company.

Make every leadership opportunity count, regardless of your job or job title. You can be a leader at every level of the organization. Your efforts will be noticed and the opportunity to move up will come at an accelerated pace. Also, as a small tidbit, keep a journal of your leadership accomplishments. This will be a good refresher when the time to interview for a position comes along. No doubt, you will be asked a series of questions, in which your answers will demonstrate your leadership ability and with a journal you will be ready.

Next time we will discuss leadership and the importance of communication.