
Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Wishbone: Women in Leadership.

This weekend I attended the Maryland Career Development Association Conference in Bowie, Maryland. As a new member, this was my initiation and I did not know what to expect from a fledgling organization, that is empowering individuals to provide excellence in career services and counseling within the State of Maryland and the District of Columbia.
The initial draw for me was the appearance of Cheri Bulter, the current president of the NCDA as the keynote speaker. Cheri Butler is a woman in an important leadership position, her role as President of the National Career Development Association is to move the organization forward with strategies to increase membership, develop new compentencies for the career development facilitator program, collaborate with other organizations like NACE. And,to paraphrase the words of Cheri Bulter, to ultimately find a way to express to our lawmakers that career development and job readiness is crucial to the workforce development of the United States of America.

If you would like to learn more about Cheri Butler or the NCDA visit

The second highlight of the conference was marked by Karen James Chopra, an entrepreneur that provides career counseling for mid career professionals in the Washington, D.C area. Karen talked openly about starting her own business after leaving the security and predictability of a government job. She started the meeting off with a guided imagery session in which each of us envisioned what our own business would look like. This was a relaxing activity to delve into our entrepreneurial spirit and contemplate the details of owning our own destiny and earning potential with self employment. It was a fantasy within our control, delicious and empowering, at least initially. However, Karen brought us back to reality and allowed each of use to express our fears about starting our own business. Yet, she tackled each objection with passion, poise and expertise. I was amazed at her level of ingenuity and practicality. I understood why she has the level of success that requires a three month wait just to meet with her. She expressed the possibilities in taking a leadership role in our own destiny and becoming an entrepreneur.

You can learn more about Karen James Chopra at her website,

The last highlight of the conference was Ebony Tara Scurry, a young women with leadership competencies that are far beyond her years. An engaging speaker, captivating in her pitch and style, Ebony created a career management company with a niche market focusing on individuals that she describes as having "a HUGE creative streak looking to make more money and enjoy more of their lives quickly and with less effort." She cleverly markets herself by attending professional conferences and networking with other counselors. She openly shared her challenges and asked others to talk about their clients and what needs to be done to hold it together and provide continuing hope in a depressed economy.

If you would like to know more about Ebony, visit her website,

And let's not forget about my friend and mentor, Dr.Janet Wall. She always jokes that her introduction takes longer than her presentation. Janet's accomplishments have the depth and breadth of a bonafide, born leader. Her technology skills and the compulsion to share them, free of charge, with all of us is a true gift. I am amazed at the buzz in the room after Janet presents, everyone knows that her research has provided them with the tools to help more clients and organize their own lives.

If you would like to learn more about Janet Wall and her accomplishments or work with her on a CDF certification, visit her website at or email Janet at

At the end of the day I was tired, yet inspired by the contributions of all the speakers. My drive back to Philadelphia, found me deep in thought and very satisfied by the experience of making new friends and sharing new ideas. Women, especially those in leadership postions are very good at sharing. Their selfless nature and empowering spirit at gatherings such as the MCDA conference makes me proud to be affilitated with career practitioners that are the best in their field. Women in leadership positions that share their experience and knowledge do it to bring us all forward, to strengthen our future, to share in the possiblilities, to embolden the legacy of their time at the helm. There is a favorite leadership quote by CEO Elaine Agather that sums it all up for me, "the leadership instinct you are born with is the backbone. You develop the funny bone and the wishbone to go with it."

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